Our Customers
Not only has Ukeru been proven effective within its own walls, but direct care professionals at customer organizations also consistently report dramatically reduced restraints, decreased injuries, and a more satisfying experience for individuals and caregivers.
Organizations implementing Ukeru have seen compelling results:
- South Carolina’s Berkeley County School District reduced the use of restraints by 45% over 10 months.
- Within one year, Chileda—a Wisconsin-based behavioral health provider— reduced restraints, seclusions, and staff injuries by 77%, 82%, and 67%, respectively.
- Within one year, KidsPeace, a behavioral health provider operating in eight states, went from upwards of 70 restraints per month down to 16 restraints per month within its community-based programs.
- One year after adopting Ukeru, student and staff injuries at Pennsylvania’s Millcreek Township Public School District dropped to zero. Restraints also fell from 47 students per year in 2016 to zero students today.
- Wesley Family Services, a Pennsylvania-based behavioral health provider, saw a 43% reduction in the use of restraints over two years.
While important, the numbers certainly don’t tell the whole story. Read what our customers have to say about their experience working with Ukeru.