Q: How long have you been an Ukeru trainer?
A: 10 years
Q: What population do you work with? What inspired you to get into this field?
A: We support adults with ID/DD. I was inspired by being able to help others reach their goals and seeing them succeed.
Q: What part of Ukeru do you enjoy teaching the most and why?
A: I enjoy teaching Comfort vs. Control. It’s very eye-opening when staff are taking this course for the first time and they see that they are already doing these things daily.
Q: What would you say to someone who is unsure about using Ukeru?
A: Ukeru definitely works. Changing the way we do things, and doing them better can be a struggle at times. Even the people we support are learning from using the Ukeru philosophy with others. Here at Good Life, we haven’t used the physical portion in several years!
Q: What advice or tip would you give to a new Ukeru trainer?
A: Make the class fun and interactive. Using ice breakers helps to get the energy going in class. Encourage people to ask questions and share their stories.
Q: How has Ukeru impacted your life?
A: There are people in my life who have PTSD and other mental health issues. Ukeru helps with making our lives better at home as well!
Q: What is your favorite quote or a motto that you like to live by?
A: “The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all” – Mulan
Q: What three words would you use to describe Ukeru?
A: Profound, Worthwhile, Mind-blowing